
South Utah News

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Rep. Stewart Statement on the Limit, Save, Grow Act


Congressman Chris Stewart (R-UT) | Congressman Chris Stewart Official Website (https://stewart.house.gov)

Congressman Chris Stewart (R-UT) | Congressman Chris Stewart Official Website (https://stewart.house.gov)

WASHINGTON —  On April 26, 2023, Rep. Chris Stewart (R-UT) voted in favor of the Limit, Save, Grow Act. This plan to limit federal spending, save taxpayer money, and grow the economy will lead to trillions of dollars in savings to taxpayers.

“This bill is a win for the American people,” said Rep. Stewart. “Senator Biden voted ten times against raising the debt ceiling, and Vice President Biden criticized House Democrats for not compromising on the debt ceiling. Unfortunately, President Biden seems to have lost the art of compromise. Debt limit negotiations are an important opportunity to examine our nation’s finances, and House Republicans are committed to returning Washington to fiscal sanity. We just want reasonable negotiations, and a reasonable president would meet us halfway.”

The Limit, Save, Grow Act is a commonsense approach to getting our economy back on track by putting an end to Democrats’ trillion-dollar spending spree. The bill will do so while ensuring Veterans, Medicare, and Social Security programs are strengthened and preserved. It will save taxpayers trillions of dollars by reclaiming unused Covid funds, stopping President Biden’s student loan giveaway to the wealthy, and defunding his army of IRS agents. At the same time, it will promote a strengthened workforce to help lift more people out of poverty.

The legislation will also boost American energy, lower energy costs for American families, and stop our dependence on foreign adversaries. This is all accomplished by returning to fiscal spending levels from 2022, which Democrats, including President Biden, applauded and praised just 13 months ago. 

Original source can be found here.