Chris Stewart tweeted the following:
"Utahs rural communities have been footing the federal governments bill for too long.Read my most recent @Deseret op-ed to learn about my bipartisan, commonsense solution to a life-saving problem in our rural"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Chris Stewart:
"We must maintain, preserve, and protect the Great Salt Lake now and for future generations." on July 28Read on Twitter
"This morning, @sethmoulton and I joined @juliemason on @SXMPOTUS to discuss the 9-8-8 Suicide Hotline that's now live.If you're in a mental health crisis, please know this: you are not alone.It's OK to ask for help, and now it's only a phone call away." on July 26Read on Twitter
"@RepEdCase and I are proud to introduce bipartisan, commonsense legislation that will right this wrong.Read more about our bill that holds the federal government accountable and provides local communities with the support they deserve" on July 25Read on Twitter