ARVIDE ABERNATHY: The bass drum and cymbal player in the Mission band. He is Sarah’s loving grandfather.
BENNY SOUTHSTREET: Nathan’s right-hand man and a gambler himself.
BIG JULE: A big time craps player from Chicago who uses a gun and his own pair of rigged dice to bully his way into never losing.
HARRY THE HORSE: A crook and gambler. He is a tough guy with dollar signs as his bottom line
LT. BRANNIGAN: A New York police officer who is on to Nathan’s illegal craps games and is dead-set on catching him.
MISS ADELAIDE: Nathan’s fiancé and a lead performer at the Hot Box nightclub.
NATHAN DETROIT: Loves Adelaide, but cannot quit his gambling ways
NICELY-NICELY JOHNSON: he is the nicest and cheeriest of the gambling crooks.
SARAH BROWN: A pretty, bright-eyed woman who serves as Sergeant of the local Mission.
SKY MASTERSON: A high-stakes gambler whose luck never seems to run out who surprises himself when he falls in love with the unlikeliest of women.
MISSION BAND - (Agatha, Calvin, Martha)
CRAP SHOOTERS - (Liver Lips Louie, Angie The Ox, Rusty Charlie)
Singers and Dancers - those who tap and those who don’t
Original source can be found here.