
South Utah News

Sunday, September 29, 2024

City Council on July 6


City Council


Wed, July 6, 5pm – 7pm


 La Verkin City Council Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, July 6, 2022, 6:00 p.m.

Council Chambers, 111 S. Main, La Verkin,Utah

 5:00 pm Work Meeting

1.       Vacation rentals anddetached accessory dwelling units-Stephen Nelson

2.       Critical InfrastructureMaterials Protection area-Chase Stratton 

 A.     MeetingCalled to Order:  Invocation by Invitation; Pledge of Allegiance 

 B.     Consent Agenda: (Items on the consent agenda may not require discussion.  These items will be a single motion unlessremoved at the request of the Mayor or City Council.)

1.       Declarations of conflict of interest

2.       Agenda

3.       Meeting Minutes: June 15, 2022, regular meeting

4.       Checks & Invoices: $437,682.87 

 C.    Public Hearing:

1.       A proposed ordinance establishing the per diemcompensation to be paid to members and alternate members of the City’s PlanningCommission in connection with section 10-3-4 as amended.  

 D.    Business:

1.       Discussion and possible action to approve OrdinanceNo. 2022-07; an ordinance establishing theper diem compensation to be paid to members and alternate members of the City’sPlanning Commission in connection with section 10-3-4 as amended.     

2.      Discussion and possibleaction to approve Resolution No. R-2022-16; a resolution adoptingthe 2022 Five County Association of Governments Multi-Jurisdictional NaturalHazard Mitigation Plan. 

 E.     Mayor & Council Reports: 

Mayor Wilson: 

Blair Gubler:Washington County Solid Waste, Homeland Security/CERT

 Wise: PlanningCommission/Zoning, Beautification/Trails Committee, EconomicDevelopment/Tourism,                 

 Confluence ParkMicah Gubler:Public Safety, Recreation/City Festivals

Hirschi: FireDistrict, Ash Creek Special Service District, DTEC

Hardy:Southwest Mosquito Abatement, Historical Preservation

 F.     Citizen Comment & Request for Future Agenda Items: No action maybe taken on a matter raised under this agenda item.  This item is reserved for the citizens of LaVerkin who have items not listed on this agenda.  There is a time limit of 15 minutes with eachindividual taking no more than 3 minutes.  

 G.    Adjourn:

 In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act,individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicativeaids and services) during this meeting should notify Christy Ballard, CityRecorder, (435) 635-2581, at least 48 hours in advance.

Certificateof Posting

The undersigned City Recorder does hereby certify thatthe agenda was sent to each member of the governing body, sent to the Spectrumnewspaper,  

posted on the State website at, posted on the La VerkinCity website at www.laverkin.organd at the city office buildings 

111 S. Main and 435 N. Main on July 1, 2022.


 TheLa Verkin City Council has requested and shall hold a public hearing on Wednesday, July 6, 2022, at 6:00 p.m., inthe La Verkin City Council Chambers, located at 111 South Main Street,LaVerkin, Utah, during its regularly scheduled Council meeting, to receivepublic input on the following matter:

 An ordinance establishing the per diem compensation tobe paid to members and alternative members of the City’s Planning Commission,in connection with Sections 10-9aS-301(2) and 10-3-818, Utah Code Annotated(1953, as amended), and Section 10-3-4, of The La Verkin City Code, asamended.

 Copies of the proposed Ordinance are available, uponrequest, in the Office of the City Recorder, at the City Offices (435 NorthMain Street, LaVerkin, Utah).

Anyperson or group wishing to submit written comments regarding the above-referenceditem may do so prior to noon, July 6, 2022. Written comments should be directed to Christy Ballard, City Recorder,at the City Offices (above address).  Allinterested persons shall be given an opportunity to be heard at said publichearing.

 In compliance with the Americanwith Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (includingauxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify ChristyBallard, City Recorder, at (435) 635-2581

 Certificate of Posting

 The City Recorder doeshereby certify that the above notice was posted on the La Verkin City website www.laverkin.org, the Utah PublicMeeting Notice website [http://pmn.utah.gov],Davis Market, and the city office buildings at 435 N. Mainand 111 S. Main, La Verkin, Utah, on 

June 24, 2022.

Christy Ballard, City Recorder
